Population Dynamics of Proteocephalid Eucestodes in Freshwater Siluroides Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â?Ã?Â? Wallago Attu and Macrones Seenghala from Freshwater Reservoirs in Parbhani District of Maharashtra State
Author(s): Chavan SP, Kadam MS, Bhosale VN and Niture SDMarathwada region inMaharashtra State is draughtprone. Freshwater reservoir capture fishery is the principle source of fish proteins in this region. The fish seed of Indian major carps is produced mainly in the Chinese Hatchery systems located at Govt. fish seed production centres and saled in subsidised rate to the tender owners for reservoirs. No any specific management measures for the fishery. Naturally developed siluroids, minnows and weed fishes contributes considerably in the catch from reservoirs. Especially two species of catfishes –Wallagao attu and mystus seenghala were studied to observe the population dynamics of cestodes and few important conclusions and results were suggested.
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