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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-A Review

Author(s): Chatterjee T

Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine hormone disorder affecting woman in the reproductive age of 18-50. It is the leading cause of fertility issues and other serious and life- threatening diseases amongst women. The main cause for PCOS is not known but genetics of family, environmental factors and most importantly lifestyle habits are considered as the reason for PCOS in women. The signs and symptoms of PCOS may vary from person to person but it is not necessary that every PCOS can be detected. The symptoms may be irregular menstrual cycle, pelvic pain, hirsutism, skin patches, acne etc. Unfortunately the market does not have any rapid, accurate and effective diagnostic method or drug for the cure of PCOS, but medication for the treatment of different signs and symptoms is available. With the advent of technology, novel methods, awareness amongst the masses and government initiatives, the market for PCOS has a huge prospect and potential for growth in the near future.

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