Pollution abatement studies related to municipal solid waste management in India: Past and future scope (AGIS based case study)
Author(s): P.K.Selvi, A.B.Akolkar, P.Saranya, P.PurushothamanMunicipal SolidWaste (MSW) management has been posing a major challenge to India due to rapid increase in urban population. Previously CPCB studies have been carried out on quantification and characterization of MSW, impact assessment on ground water, ambient air quality and health of the conservancy staffs and accordingly suggestions were also made for preparing the action plan at National level. The country is well equipped with the Rules/Regulation, planning, background data and possible financial resources to curb the MSW Menace; but the implementation part of theMSWRules is taking place at a slower pace than expected. The role of entrepreneurs and other agencies could be invited preferably to keep momentum on implementation of the MSW schemes in accordance with the MSWRules. Future relies on Geoinformatics Technology (GIS) based approach for effective and fastMunicipal SolidWasteManagement in India. Accordingly an innovative GIS based approach for identification of sites for setting up of Regional Landfill facilities in National Capital Region (NCR) viz., Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, India was carried out. This exercise is first of its kind to analyze the identified States in India for its feasibility in locatingMSWLandfills with high accuracy.
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