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Phytochemical Screening of Methanolic Extracts of Podophyllum Hexandrum Royle and Rheum Emodi Wall

Author(s): Showkat Ahmad Wani, Mir Ashfaq, K. W. Shah and Dharmendra Singh

Methanolic extracts of the two medicinal plants Rheum emodi and Podophyllum hexandrum were assessed for phytochemical components. The results revealed that both the plant extracts contained glycosides, flavonoids, saponins and terpenes. Alkaloids were present at low quantity in Rheum emodi but were absent in Podophyllum hexandrum. The absences of carbohydrates were detected in both the extracts. Proteins were present in low quantity in Rheum emodi but abundantly present in Podophyllum hexandrum.

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