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Oxidation Studies of Water Soluble Peltophorum Ferrugineum Benth. Seeds Polysaccharide by Periodate

Author(s): R. B. Singh and Shailendra Raghav

Oxidation of water soluble Peltophorum ferrugineum Benth. seeds polysaccharide was done with sodium meta periodate as oxidant. It consumed 1.32 moles of periodate and liberated 0.23 moles of formic acid per mole of anhydrohexose sugar units after 55 hrs. The isolated water soluble seed extract yielded sugars as D-galactose and D-mannose in the molar ratio of 2 : 5 moles. Presence of (1 → 4)-β-type and (1 → 6)-α-type linkages are also confirmed by periodate oxidation results for the confirmation of polysaccharide structure of Peltophorum ferrugineum Benth. plant.

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