Optimization of the synthesis parameters-fructofuranosidase extracellular for strain isolated Candida guilliermondii brine olives
Author(s): M.Sobh, A.Chaouch, A.Echchelh, H.Oudda, M.OuhssineSix strains of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts six strains were isolated from brine olives, carrots and artichokes spontaneous fermentation. One of them has been selected and is Candida guilliermondii. Synthesizes a ß- fructofuranosidase extracellular activity with a maximum of 1488 ìM.l- 1.min-1 after 24 h of culture at 30 ° C and pH 5 in the presence of 4 g / l sucrose. And Lactobacillus plantarum synthesizes the bacteriocin.
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