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Optimization of Process Variables in Combined Effect of Aqueous Mixed Sugar and Salt Solution of Osmotic Dehydration of Coconut Slices by using RSM

Author(s): G. Kamalanathan and R. M. Meyyappan

The present work aimed to study the osmotic dehydration of coconut slices by aqueous mixed sugar and salt solution concentration. Response surface methodology with central composite design was used to investigate the influence of three variables, namely aqueous mixed sugar and salt solution concentration (46.59/1.59 to 63.40/18.40% w/w), temperature (26.59 to 43.41°C) and processing time (1.65 to 3.34 hours). The quadratic regression equation describing the effects of these factors on WR, SG and WL were developed. Analysis of the regression coefficients showed that aqueous mixed sugar and salt solution concentration with temperature and temperature with processing time for WR (p > 0.05), the aqueous mixed sugar and salt solution concentration with processing time for SG (p > 0.05) and aqueous mixed sugar and salt solution concentration with temperature and temperature with processing time for WL (p > 0.05) were the most important factor that affects the osmotic dehydration of coconut slices. Optimum conditions for maximum percentage of weight reduction (25.82%), minimum percentage of solid gain (2.76%) and maximum percentage of water loss (28.58%) was predicted as immersion using 55.59/10.59 (% w/w) aqueous mixed sugar and salt solution concentration at 34.74oC for 2.54 hrs.

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Citations : 9398

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