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Novel Approaches in Food Microbiology: Assuring Food Safety and Public Health

Author(s): Rashed Noor

While the cases of food borne infections, intoxications or the toxi-coinfection are nowadays well understood in many countries through the development of various isolation and enumeration means involving cultural, serological or molecular approaches, the root cause identification of food poising as well as the depiction of the food borne disease onset still needs huge advancement. A number of researches on food microbiology unraveled the food borne microorganisms and their associated pathogenesis till date; however, understanding of an accurate dataset regarding these food borne pathogens and the associated virulence factors is limited only to the limited developed countries capable of conducting advanced research on food safety issue. Certain essential aspects like the involvement of quorum sensing in food borne bacterial pathogenesis, the use of molecular tools and microbial biotechnology in food microbiology, application and understanding of genomic database, use of nanotechnology to detect the food borne pathogens, etc. are emerging to resolve the complications associated with food safety. Current review, in a bit brief way, discussed all these advanced approaches to disseminate the knowledge among the food microbiology professionals working especially in the developing countries like Bangladesh with the goal of maintaining the food safety as well as to regulate the mass public health condition.

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