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Non-destructive approach in volatile component inspection of food and flavouring materials through electronic nose

Author(s): R.K.Ranjan, K.Prasad

An electronic nose (E-Nose) is a device that uses the pattern of response across an array of gas sensors to evaluate qualitatively as well as quantitatively the volatile components of micro and macro environment subjected thereof. The E-Nose basicallymimics the operation of the human nose. The key component in an E-nose is an array of gas sensors. Metal oxide, conducting polymer, quartz crystal microbalance, surface acoustic wave, MOSFETs, and optical sensors are commonly used sensors in E-Nose. The output of the E-Nose can be applied in identifying, quantizing and characterizing especially the volatile food components as perceived by human senses in sniffing process. Present paper elaborates the basics of E-nose functioning as non destructive methods of head space analysis with its application as quality inspection of food and allied materials.

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Citations : 378

Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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