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Molecular characterization of tannery effluent treating Pseudomonas species by 16s rRNA analysis

Author(s): Sasikumar Palsamy, Thejas Mohan, Kalimuthu Kalamegam Ramasamy, Balasubramanian Sethuraman

Effluents from tannery industries contain various chemicals like salts and heavy metals in higher concentrations and are to be reduced to permissible limits before their disposal in to environment. In this study, the effluents of tannery industries were collected for estimating the strength of various parameters. These strengths are treated by biological methods using native effective bacteria isolated from sludge. Ten different genera of bacteria were isolated and tested for bioremediation of effluent. The result was that the bacteria had reduced the concentration of salts in the effluent samples below permissible limits. Among ten isolates, three bacterial isolates had shown greater efficiency in reducing various chemical contents present in tannery effluent. The rates of BOD in the treated sampleswere 14.26 mg/L, 11.36 mg/L and 8.04 mg/L which showed reduction in BOD at the rate of 87.6%.Similarly, the rates ofTDSin these sampleswere 9408.00mg/L, 9132.00 mg/L and 868.20 mg/Lwith amaximumreduction percentage of 90.8. They had also shown reduction of various chemicals and salts below permissible limits. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was done to investigate the genes responsible for the metal reduction by gram negative bacterium, Pseudomonas sp. that had degraded Na, Cr, Ca, Mg and P. The genes that are responsible for degrading salts and metals were shown to be present in these bacteria by using PCR.

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Citations : 543

Environmental Science: An Indian Journal received 543 citations as per Google Scholar report

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