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Modulation of Induced NAFLD Drawbacks on Hepatic and Cardiac Tissues of Rats through Choline and Some Nutraceutical Oils Supplementations

Author(s): Abd-El-Fattah ME, Dessouki AA, Emam AM, Abdel-Rahman HG and Kamal MM

Non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) participates in the progress of cardiovascular risks. Lipotropic factors such as choline can prevent excess fat accumulation in the liver. Garlic and onion contain large amount of sulfur compounds. The present study was conducted to investigate the protective effects of choline, onion and garlic oils and combination of both oils in rats fed high fat diet and their impacts on liver and aortic tissues. Forty-two, male albino rats were divided randomly into six groups; 7 rats each and kept for 2 months. Control group; received control diet, F group; fat diet, F-choline group; fat diet with choline (3 gm/100 g diet), F-OO, F-GO and F-mix groups; fat diet and supplemented with onion oil (100 mg/Kg B.W), garlic oil (100 mg/Kg B.W) and combination of both oils, respectively. F-group significantly increased body weight, liver weight, serum lipid profile, hepatic and cardiac biomarkers, leptin hormone and tissue MDA level, while, significantly decreased serum HDL-C, total protein, albumin, TNO, adiponectin and tissue antioxidants compared to control group. Otherwise, the treated fat groups revealed significant improvement in all tested parameters compared to untreated fat group. In conclusion, onion and garlic oils combination induced marked hypolipidemic, antioxidant and anti-atherogenic impacts on hyperlipidemic rats.

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