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Modification on radiochemical procedure used for determination of uraniumisotopes by alpha spectrometry in some streamsediment samples

Author(s): Gamal Eldin M.Attia, Osman A.Desouky, Hesham A.Elnahas, Eman M.Ibrahim, Nevin S.Elsayed

The present study aims to make modification on radiochemical procedure used for U-isotopes determination at Nuclear MaterialsAuthority (NMA). A radiochemical technique for analysis of U-isotopes was carried out for stream sediment sample collected fromWadi El-Reddah and also for reference soil sample of InternationalAtomic EnergyAgency (IAEA). The uranium was extracted from the matrix elements with trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) and Di-2-ethylhexylphosphoric acid (D2EHPA) and stripped with 0.75MNa2CO3 solution.Modificationswere performed for the procedure to give highest extraction. The obtained result ofmodified technique for a soil reference sample gave a greatly similar result to those obtained by the á- spectrometry method of IAEA for analysis of U-isotopes.

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Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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