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Measurement of microstructural defect parameters in tungsten dichalcogenides: useful materials for the Li-ion battery applications

Author(s): T.K.Mandal, G.Bhoj

Microstructural defect parameters like crystallite size (P), dislocation density (), rms strain ()1/2, stacking fault probability (), fractional change in interlayer spacing (g) and proportion of the plane affected by defects () are evaluatedwith the help ofX-ray diffraction (XRD) studies for tungsten sulphoselenide, WS2-xSex (0x2) compounds. These structural defect parameters are correlatedwith the compositional changes. The variation of conductivitywith composition have also been correlated in terms of the structural defect parameters like P,, ()1/2, g and . Room temperature electrical conductivity measurements indicated the semiconduction behavior inWS2-xSex(0x2) compounds.Microstructural defect parameters are corelated with the electrical conductivities.

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Citations : 468

Materials Science: An Indian Journal received 468 citations as per Google Scholar report

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