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Limitation of Metal Carbonization Results in Implementation of Ore Steel Process

Author(s): Suleiman M. Tleugabulov, Dmitri I. Ryzhonkov, Dinara Kh. Altybayeva and Gulzada M. Koishina

Two-stage process of iron and steel metallurgy based; (1) reduction cast iron melting, including non-blast furnace melting of carbonized metals, and (2) oxidizing steel melting has been developed worldwide and is the basis of the industry. Both the first and the second stage of the production is implemented under up-to-date conditions based on construction of large divisions of the metallurgical complex, which is associated with frequent increase of capital costs and prime cost of metal products. Moreover, the second stage (oxidizing steel melting), by nature of the process, is conversely directed to the first one by the reason that together with oxidation of carbon excess, it results in oxidation of all useful reduced metals. As a result, the following goal has been set. The goal was to study the possibility of limitation of the metal carbonization process at the stage of reduction melting and, hence, achieve the result of direct steel making. The goal shall be achieved by the development of methodology of study of solidphase reduction of iron and accompanying metals directly by solid carbon based on new dissociation-absorption mechanism, which [as opposed to the existing mechanism of iron reduction using hot reducing gas (HRG)] allows more precisely calculate and regulate stoichiometric carbon consumption without formation of its excess. New approach to the process arrangement has been tested on the laboratory units when processing charge materials made on the basis of iron, manganese and chrome at stoichiometric carbon consumption for reduction of each metal. Results of the experimental studies of solid phase metals reduction within the interval of 600-1200ºÐ¡ followed by continuous melting of charge materials at 1550- 1600ºÐ¡ have been provided. Samples of metal ingots at specified interval of change in composition of charge materials have been obtained. Chemical compositions of the obtained ingot samples, which correspond to the composition of steels alloyed by manganese and chrome have been provided.

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