Left Hand Acheiria in 3 Newborns within a Period of 3 Months during the Year 2011 in Fallujah General Hospital
Author(s): Samira Telfah Alaani and Abdulkadir Abdulkareem Miri'eWe present 3 sporadic cases of congenital left hand Acheiria, a rare congenital defect. In one case (male), left hand Acheiria is associated with left radial hemimelia, in the other 2 cases (both are females), there is only congenital absence of left hand (Acheiria), with completely normal left forearm&other 3 limbs. The absence of any contributory family or drug history and the normal chromosomal study in the 3 cases lead us to the belief that their occurrence may be linked to environmental contamination. To the best of our knowledge, there is dearth of informations on these anomalies in the literatures, & their management remains a challenge.
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