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Isozyme markers for the crude drugs of maiden hair ferns from the Western Ghats, South India

Author(s): M.Johnson, V.Irudaya Raj, S.D.Rajkumar, V.S.Manickam

Adiantum, commonly called as maiden hair ferns, is a large genus of the non- flowering vascular plants.Most of the species are grown as ornamentals and many species are used in traditionalmedical practices and they are sold in the market for considerable prices. There ismore possibility for the adulteration in the market sample, either intentionally or unintentionally, due to the presence of morphologically similar species with many variants within species. In order to identify the molecular markers, at species level, for the identification and confirmation of crude drugs, isozyme analysis was initiated on six different species of Adiantum fromtheWestern Ghats, South India. The isoperoxidase analysis revealed the identity of the selected six species and the number of bands varied fromsix to eighteen. The present study revealed the presence of interspecific variation in the isozyme pattern for peroxidase. Of which, Adiantum raddianum and Adiantum lunulatum banding profile showed high percentage of similarity index compared to other species. Next to this, Adiantum caudatum and Adiantum zolingeri showed the similarity. The band PRX 13 and 4, PRX 24, PRX 44 and PRX 71 showed their unique presence in Adiantum raddianum, PRX 51 for Adiantum caudatum, PRX 64 and PRX 72 for Adiantum zolingeri, PRX 31, PRX 91 and 3 and PRX 101 for Adiantum lunulatum, PRX 23 and PRX 61 for Adiantum hispidillum and PRX 43 for Adiantum incisum. These unique bands can be used to distinguish and characterize the species and differentiate the original crude drug from the adulterant.

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Natural Products: An Indian Journal received 1106 citations as per Google Scholar report

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