Influence of growth hormones on production of trichosanthin (TCN) from in vitro cultures of Trichosanthes species
Author(s): T.Shasthree, B.MallaiahDuring the in vitro cultures of Trichosanthes anguina and T. kirlowii, effect of various concentrations of plant growth regulators (PGR’s) were studies on the production of a secondarymetabolite, “trichosanthin” (TCN) which is effective in inhibiting human immunodeficiency virus I replication in Lymphocytes and macrophase cells in vitro. It is a wonder drug used for curing AIDS[1] . NAA Kinetin TDZ and BAP attached the yield of trichosanthin (TCN). Identification of trichosanthin in each of the tissues was carried out by thin layer chromatography (TLC).
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