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Influence Of Artificial Antioxidants On Thermal And Oxidative Stability Of The Rice Bran Oils Using Thermogravimetry And Differential Scanning Calorimetry

Author(s): Jose Carlos Oliveira Santos, Antonio Gouveia Souza, Shiva Prasad

Thermal analytical characterization of rice bran oils, with and without artificial antioxidants, was evaluated using thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. Thermal decomposition of these oils occurred in three stages, related to the decomposition of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, respectively. DSC curves show two events that characterize the polymerization and decomposition of triglycerides. The heat capacities of the rice bran oils, obtained by DSC were dependent on the composition of fatty acids. The kinetic parameters were dependent on the antioxidant used. Increasing the frying time produced a decrease in the onset of decomposition temperature in the rice bran oils.

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