In vitro studies on antifungal activity of cow urine distillate against fungi causing opportunistic infections
Author(s): T.R.Prashith Kekuda, R.Kavya, R.M.Shrungashree, S.V.SuchitraCow has been considered as a sacred animal in our country. Cow urine is placed in a unique position in Indian system of medicine. In the present investigation, Cow urine distillate obtained from local shops has been subjected to antifungal activity against three test fungi namely Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus oryzae and Mucor sp. which cause opportunistic mycotic infections. The antifungal activity was assessed using Poison food technique and Spore germination inhibitory activity. Considerable reduction in fungal growth, in terms of reduced colony diameter when compared to control, was observed in trials. Extent of sporulationwas also reduced in plates poisoned with Cow urine distillate. The percentage of germination of spores and germ tube length was also reduced significantly. The activity of Cow urine distillate against test fungi was found to be concentration (dose) dependent i.e., higher activitywas observed when concentration is increased. The results show that Cow urine distillate possesses active principles responsible for antifungal activity and the use of Cowurine distillate could confer protection against opportunistic mycotic infections.
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