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Impact of Physical Activity on the Inflammatory Biomarkers in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Author(s): Ramalingam M and Suja Pandian R

Type 2 diabetes is a silent killer disease andmortality rate is high among the physically inactive middle and old aged people. In this study the impact of physical activity on the inflammatory biomarkers among young, middle and old aged diabetic subjects, living in semi urban area Thanjavur town, Tamil Nadu has been investigated. For the present study, the male subjects of 35-45, 46-55 and 56-65 years were selected and thereafter classified as young, middle and old diabetic subjects. In the present study C reactive protein, homocysteine, fibrinogen and WBC count were analyzed as inflammatory biomarkers in different age group of diabetic subjects. The level of inflammatory biomarkers was found to be very high in elderly diabetic persons when compared to the physically active diabetic subjects. People with diabetes have an elevation in the level of inflammatory biomarkers, because of excess chronic oxidative stress produced in the hyperglycemic state. Everyday physical activity such as walking is associated with the increased insulin sensitivity and decreased oxidative stress. In the present study, physical activity improved the levels of inflammatory biomarkers among the walking diabetics which may be attributed to antiinflammatory effect of physical activity.

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