Identification of fungi species from solid waste by 16s RNA technology
Author(s): D.M.Chetan, S.Nataraja, M.KrishnappaThe majority of phylogenetic analyses carried out these days are based on MSAs of biological sequences. Several times the quality of the alignment we use for an analysis can have a significant influence on the quality of the results of the analysis. In the current study we have a unknown gene sequence. By 16s experimental studies isolated gene was identified as the gene from the organism Fusarium solani. To substantiate these studies bioinformatics approach has been done using the methods like BLAST (Basic LocalAlignment Search Tool) andMSA(Multiple SequenceAnalysis). This approach gave us phylogenetic information and also gave the information about conservation of gene in all the organisms taken in the study. This approach gives the application of 16s rna technology in identification of microbes. The use of 16S rRNA gene sequences to study bacterial phylogenyand taxonomy has been by far themost commonmethod because it is presence in almost all bacteria, the function of the 16S rRNA gene over time has not changed, suggesting that randomsequence changes are amore accuratemeasure of time (evolution); the16S rRNAgene (1,500 bp) is large enough for informatics purposes though the bacteria exits either in a multigene family, or operons.
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