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Hydroxylation of α-haloacetophenone derivatives by Nostoc minutum NIES-29 and Spirulina platensis

Author(s): Masahiro Koshimura, Takamitsu Utsukihara, AsukaKiyama,MasayukiKuniyoshi, C.AkiraHoriuchi

Biotrransformation of α -haloacetophenone derivatives was investigated with the cyanobacteriumNostocminutum NIES-29 and Spirulina platensis. It was found that biotransformation of α -haloacetophenone derivatives gives the corresponding hydroxyl compounds. In the case of α - bromoacetophenone derivatives (1-4), the substitution of bromine by a hydroxyl group occurred preferentially. For the α -chloroacetophenone derivatives (5, 6), a carbonyl groupwas reduced to hydroxyl group asmajor products.

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