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Hydrogen Bonding of Phenolic Compounds, Ascorbate and Sugars as Anti-Oxidant Agents on Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) Level Via Oxidative Hypothesis During Aging of Mung Bean Cuttings

Author(s): Abdullah I. Shaheed, Oda M. Yasser and Abdullah O. Alwan

Depending on number and position of hydroxyl groups of some phenolic compounds, ascorbate and sugars, and their effects on IAA levels through oxidative hypothesis that accompanied aging phenomenon of mung bean cuttings were studied. The data revealed, highly significant increase in rooting response of cuttings aged in o-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, and p-hydroquinone all at 10-3 M, ascorbate at 200-500 ppm and sucrose at 3%. However, significant increase was there in rooting response of cuttings aged in cinnamic acid, phenol, o-hydroxyphenol (Catechol) at concentrations (10-3, 10-5, and 10-5) M, respectively compared to control (d/H2O). All of these compounds caused offseting or stopping of the oxidative processes that occurs during aging as anti-oxidant agents which, acts as free radical scavengers against oxidative processes products and then promoting IAA biosynthesis. Quantitative estimation of IAA by spectrophotometric method verified a highly significant increase of IAA content in hypocotyl of cuttings aged in the above compounds. The discussion draws the attention about the electronic conjugation area of ascorbate and hydrogen bonding of phenolic compounds and the oxidation of hydrogen-oxygen bond between hydroxyl groups of sugars in terms of rooting response of mung been cuttings, which is affected primarily by auxins.

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