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Histopathologic studies on the effect of repeated doses of doramectin on the urogenital organs of male guinea pigs

Author(s): Abhilash M and Uma Maheshwari S

In the present work, histopathologic studies were done in order to detect the adverse effects and tissue alterations in the urogenital organs of healthy male guinea pigs after repeated administration of variable dose levels of Dectomax (Doramectin). Total number of 72 adult male guinea pigs were used in a four treatments; non-treated control group, treated group with therapeutic dose of 0.2 mg/kg. b.wt, treated group with the double therapeutic doses (0.4 mg/kg. b.wt) and treated doses with the triple therapeutic dose (0.6 mg/kg. b.wt). The microscopic examination in case of repeated therapeutic doses revealed less or no changes, while the repeated double aswell as triple therapeutic doses lead to numerous histopathologic changes of testicular degeneration and necrosis in addition to the interstitial edema and congestion in the prostate glands and seminal vesicles, especially after the 5th and 6th repeated triple doses. It was concluded that the repeated as well as duplication of the therapeutic dose levels lead to some adverse effects on the male genital organs and so on the reproductive performance.

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