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Green High Performance Concrete using Eco Sand and Industrial Wastes

Author(s): P. Magudeaswaran, P. Eswaramoorthi and D. Pradeep Kumar

This paper aims at making and studying the different properties of green high performance concrete using this silica fume, fly ash and the other ingredients, which is locally available eco sand and coarse aggregates. The amount of the carbon dioxide released during the manufacture of OPC due to the calcinations of limestone and combustion of fossil fuel is in the order of one ton for every ton of OPC produced. In addition, the extent of energy required to produce OPC is only next to steel and aluminum. Attempts to reduce the use of Portland cement in concrete are receiving much attention due to environment-related. The role of Portland cement is replaced by silica fume and fly ash. An experimental investigation was carried out to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of green high performance concretes containing cementitious materials by the replacement of cement with silica fume (7.5-15%) and fly ash (15-30%) and replacement of sand with eco-sand, a byproduct of cement as filler material. Super plasticizer is added to 1% to improve the workability of concrete. The mechanical properties were assessed from the compressive strength, tensile strength and flexure. While the durability characteristics were investigated in terms of alkalinity and water absorption.

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Citations : 9398

International Journal of Chemical Sciences received 9398 citations as per Google Scholar report

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