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Green composites based on coconut pith and recycled PP/reclaimed EPDM

Author(s): V.K.Abitha, Rane Ajay Vasudev

The scientific and commercial progress in the area of polymer blends and composites during the past two decades has been tremendous and blending can be implemented more rapidly and economically than development of new polymers. In the current study Reclaimed EPDMand Recycled PP has been melt blended in a Brabender plasticorder in different ratios and the blend with optimized resultswas selected, aswell as Recycle polypropylene/ ReclaimEthylene propylene Diene monomer coconut pith composites have been prepared and developed for cost effective foot wear applications. A comparative study of composites in presence and absence ofMA-g- EPDM was carried out and the effectiveness of the properties was determined. Coconut pith in different ratios was added into Reclaimed EPDM/ Recycled Polypropylene blends along with MA-g-EPDM and other additives. Morphology, thermal and Physico mechanical properties of Recycled polypropylene (RPP) / Reclaimed EPDM coconut pith composites were investigated. Physico mechanical and thermal properties were improved by the addition ofmaleic anhydride and coir pith.Morphological analysis shows that the compatibility between coconut pith Recycled PP and reclaimed EPDM has been improved by the addition of Maleic anhydride grafted EPDMas a compatibilizer and hence can be used as a lowcost filler for foot wear soling application.

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