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Experimental Investigation on Engine Performance and Emission in Diesel Engine by Aluminium-Titanium Thermal Barrier Coating

Author(s): D. Balaji and T. Maridurai

Various types of thermal barrier coating have been carried out in order to improve the efficiency of the engine. In this paper, variation in the coating thickness has been discussed with conventional coating materials, aluminium-titanium and their effect in the performance of the engine is studied. Aluminium possessing low thermal conductivity and lower material density suits idler to TBC. Titanium known for its high temperature with standability offers the thermal stability to the coating material. To increase the efficiency and to overcome the heat loss in the IC engine by coating the low thermal conductivity material in the engine combustion chamber. Here, we differ the coating thickness of the TBC material in the combustion chamber and compare the performance of the IC engine. In the internal combustion diesel engine efficiency range is about 38-42%. It means about 60% of the fuel energy is wasted in form of heat energy to the atmosphere. For reducing this energy loss, combustion chamber components are coated with low thermal conductivity material. This paper makes a study of performance of diesel engine with different thickness of thermal barrier coating TBC on IC engine. Here, we select aluminium titanium are the low thermal conductivity material used as the TBC in IC engine. The low thermal conductivity material are coated in the piston top, inlet & exhaust valve and cylinder head at two level of thickness of TBC and compare the performance and emission of the IC diesel engine

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Citations : 9398

International Journal of Chemical Sciences received 9398 citations as per Google Scholar report

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  • Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

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