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Evaluation of antidiabetic activity of Excoecaria agallocha L. in alloxan induced diabetic mice

Author(s): G.Thirumurugan, T.M.Vijayakumar, G.Poovi, K.Senthilkumar, K.Sivaraman, M.D.Dhanaraju

Excoecaria agallocha (L.) Leaves extract (ethanolic and aqueous 500 mg/ kg body wt.) were evaluated for its effect on blood sugar level in normal and alloxan induced wistar albino mice at various time points comparing it with standard drug metformin (75 mg/ kg). The studies indicated that the crude ethanolic extract exhibited significant hypoglycemic (P < 0.01) and anti- hyperglycemic (P < 0.001) activities in normal and alloxan – induced diabetic albino mice respectively. The study reports for the first time the hypoglycemic acivity of Excoecaria agallocha (L.) in mice.

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Citations : 1106

Natural Products: An Indian Journal received 1106 citations as per Google Scholar report

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