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Electrosynthesis of Benzoic Acid Derivatives and its Polymers in the Presence of Superoxide using Fuel Cell Technology


Hydroxy toluene and nitro toluene are not easily oxidized. Nitro and hydroxy groups inhibit oxidation in the presence of super oxide.1-3 Super oxide is generated in aprotic solvent by the reduction of molecular oxygen electrochemically in the potential range -0.85 to 0.90 versus SCE. Super oxide oxidized toluene and its derivatives. Besides case of oxidation of toluene and its derivatives, work could be extended further in persu oxygen reduction studies on non metallic surface such as different type of carbon and graphite with a view to understand the reaction mechanism and possible applications to fuel cell technology.4-6 A fuel cell is a device that convert the electricity through a chemical reaction with or another oxidizing agent. A fuel cell operates electrochemically or more literally chemico electricity. This cell is actually a reactor, it consist of two electronic conductor electrodes separated by an ionic conducting electrolyte with provision for the continuous movement of fuel oxidant and reaction product into and out of the cell. The fuel is carbon rod the electrolyte tetramethyl ammonium bromide and the oxidant is superoxide. The superoxide ion move to carbon electron is accepted by monomer and finally give polymer.

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