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Electroanalyticalmethod for determination ofmercury (II) by natural phosphatemodified carbon paste electrode: analytical application in juice apple

Author(s): Tarik E.L.Ouafy,Abdelilah Chtaini,HassanOulfajrite,Rachida Najih,Hayat E.L.Ouafy

The electrochemical determination of Hg(II) at trace level using Natural Phosphate modified Carbon Paste Electrode (NP-CPE) is described. The NP-CPE electrodes were then applied to determine low Hg(II) concentrations using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV). The NP-CPE electrodes provided significantly improved performances in Hg(II) determination. The detection the mercury ion with high sensitivity and good values of relative standard deviation (RSD) in calibration curve. The developed method was applied for the detection of Hg(II) in juice apple.

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