Efficient synthesis of a new series of piperidine ring modified thiopene, furan, and pyridyl alcohol and methyl ether analogues of (ñ)-threo-methyl phenyl (piperidin-2-yl) acetate
Author(s): Babatunde OjoAseries of novel piperidine ringmodified thiopene, furan, and pyridyl alcohol and methyl ether analogues of (±)-threo-methyl phenyl (piperidin-2-yl) acetate was synthesized. This series of methyl phenyl (piperidin-2-yl) acetate analogues was developed by piperidine ring alkylation and reductive amination followed by lithiumaluminumhydride reduction to give alcohol derivatives.Methylation of the alcohol analogues by extension of standard literature procedures gave the corresponding methyl ether derivatives. The chemical structure of these compounds was established based on MS, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra data, and CHN elemental analysis data. Several significantmodifications in the literaturemethodologiesweremade in order to make the reaction more efficient, and good yields were generally obtained.
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