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Effect of sugar cane bagasse particle size on natural rubber compound for the production of floor mat

Author(s): I.A.Okele, S.K.Otoikhian, O.Johnson, A.J.Maruti

Natural rubber crumb was reinforced with sugar cane bagasse in various proportions (30g, 45g and 60g) and particle size (120 µm). The samples obtained were evaluated for physico-mechanical propertieswhich included tensile properties, hardness, compression set and abrasion resistance. The studies revealed that sugar cane bagasse is slightly acidic and is nonblack semi-reinforcing filler when compared with the blank sample and estimated standard results of natural rubber. The abrasion test revealed that increase in filler loading reduces the abrasion resistance, i.e. increases the percentage wear of the material. The tensile properties revealed a better result at filler loading of 30g followed by that of 60 and the least with that of 45g, and for compression set, increase in filler loading showed little or no difference in the result.

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