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Effect of Pseudomonas on Viability of Microbial (Rhizobial) Inoculants During Storage

Author(s): M. Arya, R. Sharma and D. Das

Two carriers of biological origin were taken and studied that are sheep dropping and goat dropping. Physico-chemical analysis of some carrier of biological origin, which used in Rhizobium culture prepration were done. On the basis of physico-chemical properties it can be concluded that SD is more suitable carrier than GD. For evaluation of growth of Rhizobia on carriers, two sets were taken Rhizobial growth on 100 mesh size SD and GD carrirs at 28oC and 50% W.H.C. Rhizobial + Pseudomonas growth on 100 mesh size SD and GD carrirs at 28oC and 50% W.H.C. For first set, it was observed on 100 mesh size carriers rhizobial population is comparative less for both carriers than their mixed inoculation set. The suitability order for 100 mesh size carriers is SD > GD, from Fig. 1 also similar trend could be seen. The other conclusion which can be drawn from second set observations is, rhizobium growth is more when a mixture Rhizobium & Pseudomonas was used as inoculants. It is indicated from second set’s observations that GD which gives less rhizobial population in first set have comparative more rhizobial growth as is clear from Fig. 2 that its efficiency increases. It may be + ive influence of Psuedomonas bacteria on population of rhizobia, which ultimately increase nodule numbers and weight of plant.

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