Effect of hexaconezole on yield attributes of different cultivars of mustard in response to powdery mildew disease
Author(s): P.J.Rathod, P.M.ChatrabhujiFungicide treated plant (control) and naturally infected plants (Diseased) with powderymildew of five brassica cultivars are under study. At harvest, siliquae per plant, the seeds per siliqua, and 1000 seed weight obtained from control plants were significantly higher than the diseased plants. The effect of powdery mildew on yield component of five mustard cultivars viz, V2 (SKM-9801), V1 (SKM-9804), GM-1, Varuna and Skm-9818 were observed. Finding showed that significant change in all yield quality characteristics.Yield component like no of siliqua/plant, number of seeds per siliqua and 1000 seed weight were higher in control with fungicide treated plant than the naturally infected diseased plant in all cultivars. Varietals differences were found to be non significant inNo of seeds per siliqua and siliqua/plantwhere as testweight were found to be significant in all five cultivar.
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