Effect of dietary tocotrienols and lovastatin on ex vivo and coppermediated in vitro oxidative modification of LDL, LB-LDL and more atherogenic sd-LDL on rats, expose to cigarette smoke
Author(s): Amir KhanSeveral epidemiologic studies have established a strong and consistent link between cigarette smoking and increased cardiac morbidity and mortality. Other studies show that in addition to substantial increase in oxidative stress, certain other compounds of cigarette smoke, such as nicotine and carbon monoxide play a role in atherogenesis. In response to proatherogenic action of cigarette smoke. In this study, our results show a substantial increase of 292%in sd-LDL and 82%in sd-LDL-apoB of SC rats, as compared to respective normal control values. Thus, >84 % of LDl-Cand >58%of LDL-apoB were recognized in sd-LDL subpopulation. In contrast to sd-LDL, percent share of cholesterol and apoB content of LDL was significantly reduced by 36 % and 27 % in lb-LDL, indicating a preferential shift of less atherogenic lb-LDL to more atherogenic sd-LDL subspecies in hyperlipidemic rats. Tocomin (Tocotrienols) or Lovastatin treatment significantly normalized (93-99%) both the cholesterol and apoB concentrations of sd-LDL and lb-LDL, as well as their percent share of LDL, similar to their counterparts in N-C. We initially recommend daily supplementation of young smokers with dietary tocotrienols (Tocomin). In conclusion, based on Tocomin mediated multiple therapeutic benefits, described in the present study, daily intake of tocotrienols as a dietary supplement by novice/young/old moderate or heavy smokers as well as chronic smokers including passive smokersmay be useful in the prevention and treatment of tobacco-induced dyslipidemia/hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis. In addition, daily use of dietary tocotrienols will be efficacious, cost effective, and a good source of vitamin E.
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