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Drug Delivery On A Nanoscale

Author(s): Shyam M.Garg, Vishal A.Deshmukh

With the advancement in nanotechnology and drug delivery systems over the last few years, significant attention has been given to unite the two fields to produce new state-of-the-art drug delivery devices. Nanotechnology is a science and technology that deals with nanometersized objects. Their unique size-dependent properties make these materials superior and indispensable in many areas of human activity. Utility of nanotechnology to drug delivery technology imply creation of materials and devices designed to interact with the body at sub-cellular scales with a high degree of specificity. This could be potentially translated into targeted cellular and tissue-specific clinical applications aimed at maximal therapeutic effects with very limited adverse-effects. This article summarizes the different types of nanosized drug delivery devices under investigation today and also gives an account of their synthesis and prospective therapeutic applications.

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