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Distribution of low amounts of M2+ ions during the crystallization of NiSeO46H2O at 250C

Author(s): Marek Smolik, Anna Kowalik

Distribution coefficients (D2/1) of lowamounts (10-2-710-1%) ofM2+ (M2+ = {Mg2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Cd2+, Ca2+}) have been determined during the crystallization of NiSeO4·6H2O. The obtained equilibrium coefficients range from< 0,005 (for Ca2+) to 0,31 (for Zn2+). The dependence of D2/1 coefficients on physicochemical properties of crystallizingM(II) selenate hydrates as well as Ni2+ and M2+ ions have been analyzed.

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