Discussion of tide gauge location and the measurement of global sea level rise
Author(s): A.ParkerMany works still misrepresent the sea level behaviour by applying statistics to different populations of tide gauges having variable length and completeness, experiencing more or less intense subsidence or uplift, and having different phases, amplitudes and periodicities of themulti-decadal and inter-annual oscillations, to support claims of sea levels rising in response to the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission. A recent paper has suggested some inconsistency in between actual tide gauge measurements and the computed global sea level rise despite neglecting the vertical tide gauge motion and the minimum length and quality requirements of the tide gauge records. Commenting this paper it is shown once more that appropriate mathematic applied to suitable data sets permit to conclude that:1) all the tide gauges of the world are experiencing oscillations and not accelerations of the relative sea levels over the last two decades;2) the average relative rate of rise of the sea level in the tide gauges of enough quality and length is less than 0.25 mm/year; 3) this relative rate of rise is mostly the result of subsidence more than uplift at the tide gauge; 4) the global mean sea level rated 3.2 mm/year by climate model-like corrections of flat and noisy satellite altimeter signals has same lack of value than all the other never validated climate model prediction.
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