Development UV-visible spectrophotometric method for simultaneous estimation of artemether and lumefantrine
Author(s): T.M.Kalyankar, M.S.Attar, S.D.DeosarkarThe novel method for simultaneous estimation of Artemether (ATM) and Lumefantrine (LUM) was developed using alcoholic solubilization technique. Methanol was used as a solvent because both drugs are completely soluble in it.Methanol did not interfere in the spectroscopic determination ofATMand LUMwhich have maximumabsorbance at 258 nmand 235 nm respectively.ATMand LUMfollowBeer-LambertÂ’s law in range of 1-6 µg/ mL and 6-36 µg/mL respectively. LOD and LOQ values of ATM and LUM were found to be 0.050 and 0.166 µg/mL and 0.145 and 0.484 µg/mL respectively. The proposed method is recommended for routine analysis since it is rapid, simple, accurate, precise, sensitive and specific.
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