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Development of a profitable method for salt iodine estimation

Author(s): S.Ranganathan

The conventionalmethod (CM) uses 500 mg potassiumiodide (KI) per test irrespective of the iodine content of salt (1 µg or 1000 µg). Detailed experiments revealed that 3-5mg KI per test was sufficient to estimate even 1000 µg iodine. Therefore, 5 mg KI per test was fixed for iodine estimation by the profitable method (PM), which yielded accurate and reproducible results for the target range of 0-1000 µg iodine.The minimum detectable iodine was 0.997 ± 0.005 µg (mean ± 2SD, 95% CI). The precision, sensitivity, reproducibility and performance of PMwas excellent and agreed wellwith CM(R2 = 0.999). Extensive studies on PM with potassium iodate standard, iodated salts produced by different methods and market iodated salts showed results on par with CM. Substantial reduction in the estimation cost could be achieved because, 100 salt samples are tested in PMfromthe quantity of KI used in CM.

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Citations : 378

Analytical Chemistry: An Indian Journal received 378 citations as per Google Scholar report

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