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Development and Validation of Spectrophotometric Methods for the Estimation of Balsalazide in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Author(s): G. S. Naveen Kumar, Y. N. Manohara and K. P. Channabasavaraj

Two simple and sensitive visible spectrophotometric methods (A and B) have been developed for the quantitative estimation of balsalazide in bulk drug and dosage form. Method A is based on the oxidation followed by complex formation reaction of balsalazide with 1, 10-phenanthroline in presence of ferric chloride to form blood red colored chromogen with absorption maximum at 509 nm and Beer’s law is obeyed in the concentration range of 6-18 8g/mL. Method B is based on the oxidation followed by complex formation reaction of balsalazide with potassium ferricyanide in presence of ferric chloride to form a bluish green colored chromogen with absorption maximum at 790.0 nm and Beer’s law is obeyed in the concentration range of 2-12 8g/mL.The developed methods were found to be precise and accurate. The results obtained are statistically validated and found to be reproducible.

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Citations : 9398

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