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Determination of uric acid in human’s blood serum using electroactivated pencil graphite electrode

Author(s): A.ShokuhiRad,M.Ardjmand

Uric acid or 2,6,8 tri oxide porin (UA) produced fromconjugated rings of pirimidin and imidazol. This acid have extremely considered by electrochemists as metabolite in biological liquids. Since UAis the final product of porin metabolism, it’s determination can help the diagnosis of diseases such as gout and hyper uricemia. In the present study, an electroactivated Pencil graphite electrodewas used to UA analysis in human blood serum. The obtained results show that the anodic peak current for UAis linear for the concentration range of 2.3310-5-3.6610-4Mhaving the correlation coefficient of 0.9998. The obtained detection limit for UA determination using electroactivated Pencil graphite electrode was 0.97M.

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