Customer participation in personal financial business of chinese commercial banks and its influence factors
Author(s): Yang Hui, Huang XianPersonal financial services are the main source of bank profits. In the face of fierce competition in the global financial industry, the expansion of commercial bank’s personal financial business has become an urgent problem to be solved. Customer participation has an important influence on the server results in the service industry. Banking industry belongs to service industry with customer-oriented, and customers participate in the co-creation of value. This article studied customer participation and its influence factors in personal financial business of commercial banks with personal financial services background. Customers will be affected by three sides: companies, service staff and customers themselves. Customer participation will affect customer perception of service quality and satisfaction with the service. Commercial banks have to make necessary training and education to customers in order to let their participation play an active role; set up good interactive relationship with customers by relations marketing activities; provide professional and personalized services.
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