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Concentric Plithogenic Hypergraph based on Plithogenic Hypersoft sets ??? A Novel Outlook

Author(s): Nivetha Martin, Florentin Smarandache

Plithogenic Hypersoft sets (PHS) introduced by Smarandache are the extensions of soft sets and hypersoft sets and it was further protracted to plithogenic fuzzy whole Hypersoft set to make it more applicable to multi attribute decision making environment. The fuzzy matrix representation of the plithogenic hypersoft sets lighted the spark of concentric plithogenic hypergraph. This research work lays a platform for presenting the concept of concentric plithogenic hypergraph, a graphical representation of plithogenic hypersoft sets. This paper comprises of the definition, classification of concentric plithogenic hypergraphs, extended hypersoft sets, extended concentric plithogenic hypergraphs and it throws light on its application. Concentric Plithogenic hypergraphs will certainly open the new frontiers of hypergraphs and this will undoubtedly bridge hypersoft sets and hypergraphs.

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Citations : 9398

International Journal of Chemical Sciences received 9398 citations as per Google Scholar report

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  • Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

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