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Chlorambucil inclusion complexes studywith -cyclodextrins through NMR, IRspectroscopy, x-ray crystallography and capillary electrophoresis

Author(s): Miguel A.Hern???????¡ndez Balboa, Velia Vela Ar???????©valo, V???????­ctor H.Abrego Reyes, Ana M.Vel???????¡zquez, A.Ganem-Quintanar, D.Quintanar, Br???????­gida Camacho, Guadalupe Nava, Maria J.Rosales-Hoz, Marco A.Leyva, Eusebio Juaristi, Erika Jim???????©nez-Gonz???????¡lez, Rafael L???????³pez-Casta???????±ares, E.Angeles

The capacity of cyclodextrins to house molecules such as chlorambucil was studied by 1H and 13C NMR through inclusion complexes formed from chlorambucilwith three -cyclodextrins; in addition, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography and capillary electrophoresis studieswere conducted. Solid complexes were obtained by co-precipitationmethod, with 1H and 13C homonuclear studies, 2D techniques (COSY, HETCOR and ROESY) of 1H- 13C heteronuclear correlation of liquid-phase nuclear magnetic resonance and solid-phase for 13C. The results demonstrate the formation of inclusion complexes, their stability in aqueous solution, and provide evidence to identify the interactions between chlorambucil and the studied cyclodextrins.

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