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Chemical Standardization and Quantification of Piperin from Methanolic Extract of Piper Nigrum by HPLC Method on the Basis of Isolated Markers

Author(s): Rajani Chauhan, Jaya Dwivedi and A. A. Siddiqui

A simple, precise, fast, selective and reproducible HPLC method has been developed for quantification of piperine present in total amount in seeds of Piper nigrum. The analytes were resolved by using mobile phase acetonitrole (5.0%) and acetic acid in water on an Waters 515 HPLC on Merk RP – 18 column (59, 250 x 4.00 mm ID) by UV detection at 254 nm. Piperine obtained from petroleum ether extract was used as standard (marker). The aim of this work was to develop a RP HPLC method with UV detection for quantification of piperine in methanolic extract. Quantity of piperine obtained from methanolic extract was calculated.

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Citations : 9398

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