Chemical Hydration by Acid Leaching of a Brand of Cement in Nigerian Market
Author(s): Alafara A. Baba, Folahan A. Adekola, Omobolanle E. Shobande, Malay K. Ghosh, Kuranga I. Ayinla and Samad A. AdebayoIn this work, experiment on chemical hydration by acid leaching from a brand of cement in Nigerian market has been studied. The physico-chemical characterization of the sample by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) has been examined. The influence of acid concentration and system temperature on the dissolution rates has been investigated. The dissolution rates are greatly influenced by acid concentration and reaction temperature. The dissolution investigations gave rise to activation energy value of 26.3 kJ/mol, which affirmed the diffusion reaction mechanism. Also, about 4.13 s-1 and 0.98 were obtained as the system’s Arrhenius constant and reaction order for the dissolution process, respectively.
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