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Chelation Ion Exchange Propertis of Copolymer Resin Derived From 2, 4-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid, Melamine and Formaldehyde

Author(s): W. B. Gurnule

The chelating ion-exchange resin 2,4-DHBAMF was synthesized by the condensation of 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and melamine with formaldehyde in the presence of acid catalyst using varied molar ratios of reacting monomers. Terpolymer resin composition has been determined on the basis of elemental analysis. The number average molecular weight of this resin was determined by conductometric titration in non-aqueous medium. The identification of resin structure was performed by UV-Visible, FTIR and NMR analysis. The morphological behavior of the resin has been studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The chelating ion-exchange resin proved to be a selective ion exchange resin for certain metals. Chelating ion exchange properties of this terpolymer resin was studied for, Cu2+, Cd2+, Co2+, Zn2+, Ni2+ and Fe3+ ions. A batch equilibrium method was employed in the study of the selectivity of metal ion uptake involving the measurement of the distribution of a given metal ion between the terpolymer resin sample and a solution containing the metal ion. The study was carried out over a wide pH range and in media of various ionic strengths.

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