Behavior of Cuprite in CuS – H2SO4 – NaClO and CuS – H2SO4 – KClO3 Systems
Author(s): Sh. Bayysbekov, G. Zhunussova, M. Bulenbayev, A. Taimassova and S. SerkebayevaThis article presents the results of the calculation of the Pourbaix diagrams and the possibility of formation of stable phases and phase transitions of iron in the aqueous phase systems CuS–H2SO4–NaClO and CuS–H2SO4–KClO3, which allowed us to estimate thermodynamic probability of occurrence of oxidative leaching of pyrite. In the environment of sulfuric acid and the use of oxidants-oxychlorides of sodium and potassium, cuprite can pass into solution, with no need for a second oxidant-oxygen. The most powerful oxidant is sodium hypochlorite.
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