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Assessment of Norms of Admissible Impact on Water Objects of Trans-Balkhash Area

Author(s): Zh. T. Tilekova, M. T. Oshakbayev and G. K. Yerubayeva

Calculations of norms of admissible impact on water objects help to establish levels of pollutants in surface water. The norms of acceptable impact (NAI) on water objects are developed and approved according to hydrographic or water management zoning of a water body for the purpose of preservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems; minimizing effects of anthropogenic impact that creates risk of irreversible negative changes in aquatic ecosystem; ensuring sustainable and safe water use in the course of social and economic development of the territory. Identification of NAI was carried out on the basis of Methodical instructions on development of the norms of admissible impact on water objects approved by the order of the Ministry of natural resources of Russia of 12.12.2007 No. 328, and by the analysis of social and economic situation, usage and diagnostics of quality of water resources. At the studied territory calculations of norms of admissible impact were counted on two indicators : NAIchem and NAIw. To determine the current anthropogenic impact, comparison of the actual mass of pollutants export (diffusion drain from residential areas, industrial sites and agricultural grounds, etc.) with the values of NAIchem. obtained from design water-resources region (WRR), was carried out. Results of comparative analysis show that the anthropogenic contribution to water bodies of Trans- Balkhash area is insignificant (about 10%). Exceeding of the established standards for import of chemical and suspended mineral substances was recorded at no WRR. Calculations of NAI for withdrawal of water resources from water bodies of Trans-Balkhash area, have shown that water objects of the considered region provide consumers with water resources completely. Deficit of drain was noted at neither of considered section line.

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